Our Resources – Tools We Use in our Website & Blogs

New bloggers & content creators are worried about what tools other professional bloggers & content creators use to increase their website traffic, Website Speed and Revenue in their blogs. Every content creator in their blog & video guides you to target keywords, niches, etc., but your content should be 100% written by you and briefly understand your point & topic. Google also loves this type of blog website.


For your guidance, I created this resources page for your clearance regarding the tools we use on our website. If you are a beginner and want to do blogging and need to learn how to create a website, then we are here. We are offering free website design for our readers. You can check here.

Blogging Resources that we use in Digital Presso

Digital Presso uses WordPress CMS. WordPress is the best for Blogging, Business Websites and e-commerce Websites; the best is WordPress.org, which is 100% Free. Even Microsoft News and Usain Bolt are also using WordPress. I recommend using WordPress to start your blog in 2024.

Some of the points that you fall in love with WordPress:-

Highly customizable for Greate flexibility
Anyone can Design, no matter if you are a developer or a newbie
Pay only for Hosting and other premium tools you use on your website.
WordPress allows us regular updates.

Hosting & Domain Name

WordPress is 100% free, But to start a blog with 100% customization and flexibility, we need to buy Domain Name and Hosting. My Domain name is Register from GoDaddy and hosted from vultr.com. You can choose a domain name from any registrar, or we also have a guide for you where you can grab a free domain name at the cost of Hosting. To grab the deal, Check Here.


To design my website digital Presso, I use a GenertePress Theme. GeneratePress is the fastest theme used by many other bloggers and content creators. GeneratePress is available in free and premium versions; if you go for the premium version, you need to pay a $59 one-time payment, but we are still offering the same; you can grab this at zero cost and check here how you can grab it free.


A WordPress plugin can make your work more accessible and allow you to fulfil your dreams. If you are a non-techie, you can use a plugin and customize your website according to your choice with a few clicks. I’m currently using this plugin on my website. You shouldn’t install unnecessary plugins or themes you will not use.

WPSpectra:- WpSpectra works for me like a man army; after installing this plugin, I don’t need any other plugin. Only WPSpectra works with me for Creating FAQs, How To, Schema, Advance Pricing, Table of contents & etc. Wp Spectra is available in free and premium versions, but I’m using only the free version for now, and it’s sufficient for me. Check Out WP Spectra.
ThirstyAffiliates:- 100% of content creators and bloggers use this plugin; you must have this plugin on your website. Thirsty Affiliates can help you shrink and cloak your affiliate links and enhance tracking capabilities. (For example, If you have any long URL you cannot remember, you paste that URL in the thirsty affiliate dashboard, which is in your website’s backend area, and create the shot link you want), I’m using the free version of ThirstyAffiliates. 
Rank Math SEO:- One of the best SEO plugins, Rank Maths helps you manage your post page SEO score and fix errors according to their AI guidance. You can use alternatives such as YoastSEO and any other plugin. I’m using the free version of RankMaths.
FlyingPress: FlyingPress helps you lighten your WordPress website. Boost your website’s core Vitals in a few clicks without technical guidance. FlyingPress is a paid version; you can use the LiteSpeed plugin, which is available free.
Apart From that, I’m using GP Premium (Plugin of GeneratePress), GenerateBlock and GenerateBlocks Pro.

CDN:- I use Cloudflare and Bunny CDN on all my websites. CloudFlare makes my website secure, and CDNs help deliver rich, high-quality media files reliably and cost-effectively.

Canva: I use Canva for image and infographic creation. Checkout Canva

Photoshop:- In a rare base, I use Photoshop to design any image.

Google Gsuite Email:- I use Google Mail Business plan for all my emails, which helps me. It Costs me around 500 per month for one email.

All these above tools are used in digitalpresso.com. I have 20+ websites; I use different plugins, themes, and hosting Plans on those websites.

You can use an alternative option in your blog without spending money.

Themes:- You can use Kadence, Ocean, the Free Version of Generetepress or any theme you like. But I recommend using a lightweight theme because it boots your website faster.

Plugin:- You can use free RankMaths for SEO, WP Spectra and Elementor free version, Thirty Affiliates Free version, LiteSpeed & WP cache for website speed optimization. 

CDN:- You can use the Cloudflare free version and go with Bunny CDN. After paying $10, you can use Bunny CDN on multiple websites and for extended periods.

And that ends; these resource tools need you to accelerate your blog in 2024. I use these blogging resources and WordPress tools to manage my websites. I’ll regularly update my resource page. The information on this page was last updated on November 22nd, 2023.