24 Essential Settings After Installing WordPress

Welcome to our comprehensive “24 Essential Settings After Installing WordPress” guide. You might wonder what to do next if you’ve just installed WordPress. You’re not alone. WordPress is a robust platform that can be overwhelming at first glance.

The good news is that WordPress is incredibly flexible, and there are many settings you can tweak and adjust to suit your needs perfectly. However, with so many options, it’s easy to miss some crucial settings that could significantly improve your site’s performance, security, and overall user experience.

This blog post will walk you through 24 essential settings you should configure right after installing WordPress. These settings range from basic ones like setting up your site title and tagline to more advanced ones like configuring permalinks and setting up SEO-friendly practices.

Whether you’re a seasoned WordPress user or a beginner, this guide is designed to help you get the most out of your new WordPress site. Let’s explore these settings to ensure your website is set up for success from the get-go!

General Settings Installing wordpress

The General Settings in WordPress play a crucial role in controlling how your site appears and behaves. Let’s dive into these settings one by one:

Site Title & Tagline

The Site Title and Tagline serve as the identity of your website. They are typically displayed in the header or title bar of your browser. The Site Title should be short, catchy, and relevant to your website’s content or purpose. The Tagline, on the other hand, is a short phrase or sentence that describes what your website is about. It’s an opportunity to share your site’s mission or highlight its unique selling point.

WordPress & Site Address URL

The WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are two critical settings. The WordPress Address (URL) is the address where your WordPress core files reside. The Site Address (URL) is the address you want people to type in their browser to reach your website. In most cases, both addresses will be the same unless you are giving WordPress its own directory.

Email Address

The Email Address in your General Settings is where WordPress sends notifications and password reset links. So, it’s crucial to use a valid and accessible email address. You can change this email at any time, but remember that WordPress will send a confirmation email to the new address to verify it.

Timezone, Date Format, and Site Language

Setting the correct timezone is essential for posts scheduling and displaying the correct time. WordPress allows you to choose a city that shares your desired timezone or select a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) offset.

The Date Format and Site Language settings let you customize how dates are displayed on your site and in what language your site displays, respectively. WordPress offers a variety of date formats, and you can set the site language from the many available language options.

In conclusion, the General Settings are the backbone of your WordPress site setup. They might seem basic, but they hold significant influence over your site’s functionality and appearance. Therefore, understanding and correctly configuring these settings is a vital step in your WordPress journey.

Writing Settings

The Writing Settings in WordPress are where you can control the writing experience for your site. Let’s explore these settings:

Default Post Category & Format

The Default Post Category setting allows you to choose the default category that will be selected when you create a new post. If you don’t choose a category for a post, then WordPress will automatically add the default category to the post.

Themes use the Default Post Format setting to select the display format of a post. The formats include standard, aside, image, video, quote, link, gallery, status, audio, and chat. You can set a default post format according to your preference.

Post via Email

WordPress provides a feature to publish posts via email. Any email sent to the specified email address will be posted to your blog. This is a handy feature if you want to update your blog while on the go.

In conclusion, the Writing Settings are vital to managing your WordPress site’s content effectively. They control your content’s default categorization and format and offer a convenient way to post content via email.

Reading Settings

The Reading Settings in WordPress are where you can set what your visitors see when they visit your site. Let’s explore these settings:

Front Page Displays

WordPress allows you to choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. You can opt for your latest posts to be shown or select a static page you have created. The latter is often used by businesses that want a more traditional website feel.

Blog Pages Show at Most

This setting allows you to control the number of posts displayed on your blog pages. Limiting the number of posts can ensure that your pages load quickly, providing a better user experience. However, it would help if you balanced user experience and the opportunity for users to engage with your content.

Search Engine Visibility

If you want your website to be indexed by search engines like Google, you should ensure that the ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this site’ box is unchecked. However, you can check this box if your site is under development or if you don’t want it to appear in search results.

In conclusion, the Reading Settings are a powerful part of your WordPress site setup. They control how your content is presented to visitors and search engines, impacting user experience and your site’s visibility. Therefore, understanding and correctly configuring these settings is essential in managing your WordPress site.

Discussion Settings

The Discussion Settings in WordPress are where you can control how your site handles comments and interactions. Let’s delve into these settings:

Default Article Settings

The Default Article Settings allow you to control how your posts interact with other blogs and how they handle pingbacks and trackbacks. These settings can help increase engagement and interaction on your site, but they can also open the door to spam if not managed properly.

Comment Settings

The Comment Settings are where you can control who can comment on your posts, how comments are moderated, and what constitutes comment spam. You can set requirements for comment approval, create a list of ‘blacklisted’ words, and decide whether users must register and log in to comment. These settings are crucial for managing user interaction and maintaining a positive and respectful discussion environment on your site.


Avatars are the small images that appear next to comments. In the Avatar section, you can choose whether to display avatars, set a rating for avatars (to ensure appropriateness), and select a default avatar for users who don’t have a custom avatar. Avatars add a visual element to your comment section and can make the discussion feel more personal and engaging.

In conclusion, the Discussion Settings are a key part of managing your WordPress site’s interaction effectively. They provide control over your content’s discussion environment, comment moderation, and user avatars, contributing to a vibrant and respectful community on your site.

Media Settings

The Media Settings in WordPress are where you can control how media files are handled on your site. Let’s delve into these settings:

Image Sizes

WordPress automatically creates several sizes of each image you upload for use in different areas of your site. The Media Settings allow you to define the dimensions for these sizes: Thumbnail size, Medium size, and Large size. By customizing these settings, you can ensure your images fit perfectly within your site’s design.

Uploading Files

The ‘Uploading Files’ section in Media Settings is where you can choose whether uploaded files are organized into month- and year-based folders. This can be helpful for managing large amounts of media, but if you prefer, you can uncheck this option to have all files saved in one directory.

In conclusion, the Media Settings are a key part of managing your WordPress site’s media effectively. They provide control over how your images are displayed and how your files are organized, contributing to a smoother, more streamlined site management experience.

Permalink Settings

The Permalink Settings in WordPress allow you to customize the structure of the URLs for your site. This is crucial for usability and SEO. Let’s explore these settings:

Common Settings

Under Common Settings, you can choose one of the predefined permalink structures. The options range from plain (which uses the default URL structure of WordPress) to post name (which uses the post’s slug as the URL). The post name setting is often recommended for its readability and SEO-friendliness.


The Optional section allows you to customize the category and tag base in WordPress. By default, WordPress uses ‘/category/’ and ‘/tag/’ for category and tag URLs, respectively. If you want to change these, you can do so in this section.

In conclusion, the Permalink Settings are a vital part of your WordPress site setup. They provide control over your site’s URL structure, impacting both user experience and your site’s SEO. Therefore, understanding and correctly configuring these settings is an essential step in managing your WordPress site.

Privacy Settings

The Privacy Settings in WordPress are where you can manage your site’s privacy policy. This is an essential aspect of any website, especially with the increasing focus on data protection and privacy laws worldwide. Let’s delve into this setting:

Privacy Policy Page

WordPress allows you to select a page to act as your site’s Privacy Policy page. This page will then be linked from your login and registration pages. You should manually add a link to this page from your website footer or menu for better visibility.

Creating a comprehensive and transparent Privacy Policy is crucial. It informs your visitors about what personal data you collect, why you collect it, how you use it, and how users can request data export or erasure.

In conclusion, the Privacy Settings are a vital part of your WordPress site setup. They help ensure that you’re transparent with your visitors about their data, contributing to trust and credibility.

Additional Essential Settings

Beyond the standard WordPress settings, there are several additional settings that can significantly enhance your site’s functionality and performance. Let’s explore these essential settings:

Installing an SEO Plugin

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing your site’s visibility on search engines. An SEO plugin can help optimize your site’s content and metadata, improve your site’s ranking on search engines, and increase organic traffic to your site. There are several SEO plugins available that offer a range of features, including keyword optimization, XML sitemaps, and readability checks.

Setting up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides insights into your site’s traffic and user behavior. By integrating Google Analytics with your WordPress site, you can track your site’s performance, understand your audience better, and make data-driven decisions to improve your site. You can view metrics like the number of visitors, session duration, bounce rate, and much more.

Configuring a Backup Solution

Regular backups are essential for safeguarding your site against data loss. A backup solution automatically creates regular backups of your site’s content, which can be restored if needed. This ensures that your data is safe and minimizes downtime in case of any issues.

Setting up a Security Plugin

Security should be a top priority for any website owner. A security plugin can help protect your site from threats like malware, brute force attacks, and hacking attempts. These plugins offer features like security scanning, firewall settings, and spam protection to keep your site secure.

Installing a Caching Plugin

A caching plugin can significantly improve your site’s load time, which is crucial for both user experience and SEO. The plugin creates static versions of your dynamic WordPress pages, reducing the server processing time and making your website faster for your visitors.

Setting up a Contact Form

A contact form allows your visitors to get in touch with you directly from your site. It’s more professional and accessible than providing an email address. A contact form plugin can help you create customized forms that fit your needs.

In conclusion, these additional settings are crucial for optimizing your WordPress site’s performance, security, and functionality. While WordPress’s built-in settings offer a great start, these additional settings can take your site to the next level.


In this blog post, we’ve walked through the essential settings to configure after installing WordPress. We started with the General Settings, where we discussed the importance of setting up the Site Title, Tagline, WordPress & Site Address URL, Email Address, and Timezone, Date Format, and Site Language.

We then moved on to the Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, and Permalink settings, each playing a unique role in shaping your site’s functionality and appearance. We also covered the Privacy Settings, emphasizing the importance of setting up a Privacy Policy page.

In the Additional Settings section, we highlighted the significance of installing an SEO plugin, setting up Google Analytics, configuring a backup solution, setting up a security plugin, installing a caching plugin, and setting up a contact form.

Regularly checking and updating these settings is crucial as it ensures your site remains optimized, secure, and user-friendly. Remember, a well-configured WordPress site not only provides a better user experience but also performs better in terms of SEO.

In conclusion, setting up WordPress involves more than just installing it. The real work begins after the installation – configuring the settings to match your site’s needs. But with this guide, you should be well on your way to creating a successful WordPress site.


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